- Conduct: Everyone is expected to be civil and respectful. No posting with multiple names, use only one name at this site.
- Selling:
- Be organized with your list of items for sale and provide prices for best results.
- Avoid posting multiple ads with only a few items. Instead, list as many items as you can in each post.
- Avoid typing in ALL CAPS!!
- If you must repost an ad, please limit the frequency.
- Post Response:
- Buyers: Feel free to post a response to an ad if you have a question you think other people would like to see answered. This saves sellers time by allowing them to post a public reply instead answering the same questions more than once via e-mail.
- Sellers: Feel free to post follow-up comments to your own ads.
- Blind E-Mail: E-mail entered in the "Your E-Mail Address" field, will not be visible in your post. We use a blind form for users to send you a message. However, we encourage you to list an e-mail address in the post body for people to see.
- Passwords/Deleting Posts: Please use a password when posting so you can delete your post. Use the "Delete This Post" button below your post when viewing in "Threaded" format (this site's default). Keep in mind you can not delete posts in "View Expanded" or "Compressed" format.
- Outdated Posts: Please delete your old posts if they are outdated or reposted.
- Set Preferences: The "Set Preferences" link can be used to set how the system displays this site and remembers who you are.
** Preview your ad with the "Preview Ad" button before posting! **
- The following codes are available to you if you want to format your message body. Simply put the appropriate formatting codes before and after the text you want formatted.
[img]http://URL-TO-IMAGE[/img] | Places an image into post.** |
[b]Bold Text[/b] | Bold Text |
[i]Italics Text[/i] | Italics Text |
[big]Big Text[/big] | Big Text |
[small]Small Text[/small] | Small Text |
[list] [*]Item 1 [*]Item 2 [*]Item 3 [*]Item 4 [/list] | |
[quote]Quoted Text[/quote] | As you can see...Quoted Text indented from the regular text. |
** Graphic needs to be somewhere Web accessible.
- Be sure to NEST code properly
Here's how to do - Bold Italics Text - the right way.
How to do [b][i] - Bold Italics Text - [/i][/b] the RIGHT way.
How to do [b][i] - Bold Italics Text - [/b][/i] the WRONG way.
Here's an example message:
Would appear on the board as:
This is a test of the Emergency Formatting System. This is only a test. If this were real formatting, you'd need to do the following:
- Read the Message
- Memorize It
- Log Off
- Go Outside
Cool, eh!?
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