Comic Book

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Use the form below to select the manner in which you wish the posts in the index to be displayed. (Note that since this board is not set to utilize "cookies," your preferences will not be remembered the next time you visit.)

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List Style:
Display Style:
Sort Order:

List Styles: (how main Index page is displayed)
    Simple List - Index page will display all posts chronologically; that is, in the order in which they were posted.

    Threaded List - Index will be arrange by threads, with responses indented below their parent posts.

    Compressed List - Index contains links to each thread, rather than to each individual post, producing a shorter Index page and listings.

Display Styles: (how posts are displayed)
    Single Post - Will show the text of only a single post at a time, though each post page will contain links from which other posts in the thread may then be accessed.

    Guestbook - If combined with the Simple List, will display the full text of all posts on the Index page; otherwise, it will display the full text of all posts in a given thread on a single page.

Sort Orders: (how Index page and threads are sorted)
    Oldest First - Will give you a list in which threads (or posts, depending upon your listing preference) are arranged with the oldest at the top of the page and the newest at the bottom.

    Newest First - Will do the opposite of Oldest First and give you a list in which threads (or posts, depending upon your listing preference) are arranged with the newest at the top of the page and the oldest at the bottom.

    ** These two options below are relevant only to threaded and compressed listings. **

      Mixed Order - Will arrange threads on the Index page by the date which they were started (keeping newly started threads at the top of the page) and arranges responses in each thread with the newest at the bottom. I believe this produces a more intuitive threading structure.

      UBB Order - Will arrange threads by the date of their last response, rather than by the date on which they were started; this will keep threads with the newest posts at the top of the page, but also means that threads will constantly be "reordering" themselves on the Index page.

    Most long-time members of this forum use Threaded List, Single Post and Mixed Order (this forum's original default settings).

    Users of phpBB, vBulletin, Ultimate Bulletin Board, and EZBoard style forums will probably prefer choosing Compressed List, Guestbook and UBB Order, which will provide you with familiar behavior on this forum.

    Users of USENET or newsgroup style forums, you'll probably be most comfortable choosing Threaded List, Single Post and Newest First.

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