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For Sale: Selling my comic collection around 3000 comics mostly from 1970s-1990s
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Seth Nossaman
Sat, 2/11/23, 7:06 pm
For Sale: Selling my comic collection around 3000 comics mostly from 1970s-1990s

I'm selling my comic book collection of around 3000 comics. Mostly Marvel, and some DC also a few hundred independents. They have been bagged and boarded and mosrly never read. I have a lot of popular comics X-Men, X-Factor, New Mutants, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Deadpool, Wolverine, Hulk, She Hulk, Spider Man and many more. DC Superman, Batman, Wonderware, Teen Titans, Justice Lsague just to name a few, I recently priced a lot of them and they are easily worth $7,000 on the low side. Selling top accept any reasonable offer. if you want to buy only certain titles but will take every issue I'd consider it. If you have any questions just ask. I'm located in theos Angeles area.

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