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For Sale: Huge Comic Book Business Inventory (Marvel/DC/Indy)*80 Long Boxes.
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Bob carter
Tue, 5/10/22, 8:44 pm
For Sale: Huge Comic Book Business Inventory (Marvel/DC/Indy)*80 Long Boxes.

Huge Comic Book Business Inventory (Marvel/DC/Indy)*80 Long Boxes.

Rare Opportunity - Especially These Days! This is not loose, Bulk material that you have to sort, bag & board, etc. This is working business inventory- all organized and ready to sell. Boarded, bagged and organized. All of the work has been done, saving you a small fortune on materials and weeks/months of work. Quickly increase the volume of an existing business, or launch your startup business off on an excellent foot. Full Fledged Business Inventory in One Fell Swoop!

*Marvel/DC/Indy. Mostly all Modern-Age.
*Loads of Major Titles. Super Variety Throughout.
*All Bagged/Boarded and Alpha-numerically Organized.
*Comes with Inventory Schematic for quick locating of eBay Store Items.
*Average Grades: VF/NM. (Very Small Percentage of lesser grades)

* EBAY COMIC STORE INVENTORY! (Our eBay Store specializes in Sets, Lots and Runs. Over 600 Sets, Lots and Runs.) - And that’s only about a 3rd of the Inventory. (Comes with a handy Inventory Schematic for locating eBay Items.)

*The Remaining 2/3rds is Single Issue Inventory - all alpha/numerically organized.

*PICK UP ONLY / NO SHIPPING! – Since you will have to pick this load up yourself, (As oppose to having it all freighted.) – I will throw in two steel shelving units as well. (easy assembling/worth several hundred dollars.) You get Full Fledged Business Inventory in One Fell Swoop! You won’t find another deal like this out there. So, swing your truck on through and I’ll help you load it up. There are No stairs to climb and the weather is always great in Vegas.


Bob carter

In Response To:

Responses To This Post:
Sun, 5/29/22, 7:41 pm
Re: For Sale: Huge Comic Book Business Inventory (Marvel/DC/Indy)*80 Long Boxes.

Your location and minimum asking price for the lot

In Response To:
Bob carter
Sun, 5/29/22, 7:47 pm
Re: For Sale: Huge Comic Book Business Inventory (Marvel/DC/Indy)*80 Long Boxes.

Hello - Thanks for inquiring, my friend. I am located in North Ls Vegas. The minimum acceptable price is $10,000. Thanks again.

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