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Buying: Comic Book Fanzines from the 60's and early 70's
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Thu, 12/17/20, 12:04 pm
Buying: Comic Book Fanzines from the 60's and early 70's

Comic Fanzines Wanted!! Sell me your comic book fanzines ... will buy or trade fanzines from 1960-1972!

Do you have comic fanzines for sale? Well I'm buying comic book fanzines so sell them to me! I'm a private collector of comic fanzines from the 1960's and early 70's. I am also an amateur historian, specializing in comic fandom of the 60's. I will trade, purchase collections or buy single issues to find the zines I need. I'm especially interested in ditto (printed via spirit duplicator) and/or mimeographed fanzines from 1961 - 1970. I also collect EC fanzines of the 50's, including EC Fan Bulletin, HooHah, Potrzebie, Squatront, EC Scoop, EC Fan Journal, et al. Science Fiction and horror zines are also of interest as well as early San Diego Comic Con/NY Comicon Programs, original fanzine art, ditto masters and other fanzine-oriented ephemera.

Here's a very abbreviated list of the comic fanzines I seek (editor and/or publisher listed if known):

Action Hero 1-7 (Dubay/Howard)
Admiral Publications (C Burkett)
Adventure Heroes Hideaway 1-9 (Buccafusco)
All Dynamic (Alan Light, #2 only)
All Star Begotten Comics (LASFS)
Allstars 1-2 (Dubay/Arbunich/Arlington)
All Streak Comics (Tommy Prouty)
Amateur Komix (Gary Accord)
Asterisk (Schelly/Morra)
Aurora 1-5 (Len Wein)
Batwing 1-4 (Larry Herndon)
Beabohema 1-8 (Lunney)
Blood & Thunder (Lon Mitchell)
Bombshell (Tony Rutherford)
Capa-Alpha 1-40 (K-a)
Character Get Together (Vern Deebs)
The Collector 1-15 (Bill G. Wilson)
Comic Advertiser 1-5 (Danny Cassidy)
Comic Art 1-7 (Don & Maggie Thompson)
Comic Art Convention Program 1968 1969, 1970 (Seuling)
Comic Blasts 1-4
Comic Book Marketplace 1 (Gary Carter)
Comic Caper 1-2 (Arbunich & Dubay)
Comic Courier (Fabien/Ammerman)
Comic Crusader 1-7 (Greim)
Comic & Crypt 1-3 (Sigal)
Comic Examiner 1-6 (Jim Dee)
Comicdom 1-4 (Mullen)
The Comic Fan (Buddy Saunders)
Comic Fantasy (Bud Fern)
Comic Fandom (Charles Korbas)
Comic Fantasy (Bud Fern)
Comic Feature 1-5 (Walczak, not the 80's mag)
Comic Forum 1-10 (Billy McKinnon)
Comic Heroes Revisited (Bubnis)
Comiclub (Gabe Eisenstein)
Comic Reader 8-47
Comic Showcase (Robert Ritter)
Comic Vendor 1-6 (Jadro)
The Comic World 1-6 (Robert Jennings)
Comic World News (Paul Feola)
Comicollector 1-15 (Bails/Foss/Biljo White)
Comicology 1-6 (Fratz)
Comi-Rama (Ron Kettle)
Complete EC Checklist (EC - 1950/60's)
Concussion 1-8 (Mike Robertson)
Condor Comics (ECU Publications)
Cortana (Clint Bigglestone)
Cosmostiletto (Gene Klein)
Countdown (Jim Rossow) 1-2
Critique 1-2
CPL/Contemporary Pictorial Literature (Bob Layton & CPL Gang)
Dateline: Comicdom 1-21
Detroit Triple Fan Fair Program Booklet 1965-72
Dynamic Comics
EC Fan Bulletin (EC - 1950's)
EC Fan Journal (EC - 1950's)
EChhhh (EC - 1950's)
EC World Press (EC - 1950's)
Emperial Comics (Vanden Eynden)
Facts Behind Superman (1954)
Famous Fiends of Filmland
Fandom Presents (Golden Gate)
Fandom's Special (Cardoza)
Fantagor 1 (1st print only - Corben)
FANtastic (Johnny Chambers)
Fantastic Fanzine (1-9 only)
Fantasy Fandom Crossroads
Fantasy Hero (Bill Dubay)
Fantasy Heroes Hangout
Fantasy News (Wasserman)
Fanzation (Bob Beerbohm)
Fanzine Illustrated (John Furek)
Farce of Fandom (Barry Siegel)
Faun (Gene Klein)
Fighting Hero Comics (GB Love)
Flame On (Jim Halperin)
Flare Comics (Jeff Gelb)
Gateway Con II Memory Book 68
Giallar (horror zine, R Harris)
Gore Creatures (#14 and under)
Gotham Gazette (Steve Kelez)
Hero (Larry Herndon)
Heroes (Jeff Gelb)
Heroes Hangout (Rudi Franke)
HooHah (EC - 1950's)
Incognito (Bill Schelly)
Incognito Extra (Bill Schelly)
Jeddak (Paul Moslander)
Mantis (Gene Klein)
Marvel Main (Mike Howell)
Mask & Cape (Gemignani/Perrin)
Mastermind (Steve Fears)
Men of Mystery (Jeff Gelb)
MetroCon Progress Report 1971
Motley (John Kowal)
Museum (Chuck Robinson)
New Comic News (Bruce Williams)
New World of Comics
Odd (Herring Bros)
Plague (Jiro Tomiyama -1961)
Potrzebie (EC - 1950's)
Power Comics (Larry Walczak)
Quark (L Couch)
Ray Gun (John Nyman)
Rocket's Blast (GB Love #1-28)
Sata Illustrated (Bill Pearson)
Shroud (Bill Schelly)
Sooner Comics (Matt Curtis)
Spidey Fan (Wally Conger)
Spotlite (Parley Holman)
Squatront (EC - 1950's)
Star Studded Comics (TX Trio)
Starling (sci-fi, Hank Luttrell)
Stories of Suspense (Wolfman)
Super Adventures (Wolfman)
Super Heroes Anonymous (Schelly)
Super Spy (Larry Walczak)
Super Theater (Lon Mitchell)
Texans Only (Kent Russell)
Tinderbox (Gene Klein)
Trident (Paul Viczarromdo)
Valor (Jim Gardner)
Web Spinner (Mike Appel)
Weirdom (Dennis Cunningham)
Wonderment (Mike Raub)
Xero (Dick & Pat Lupoff)
Yancy Street Gazette (Ziegler)
Yancy Street Journal (Arbunich)
Ymir (Johnny Chambers)

Yep, some of these are pretty obscure. But don't let the above list restrict you ... I'm just giving examples. So if you've got comic fanzines, original fanzine art or sci-fi/horror zines for sale or trade, I'm buying. Please don't hesitate to email:

Aaron Caplan

aaron [at ]fantucchio [dot] com

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