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Buying: WANTED - Lee Falk's The Phantom comics and related
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James Lee

Responses To This Post:
Wed, 4/24/19, 12:45 am
Buying: WANTED - Lee Falk's The Phantom comics and related

Hi there,

I'm an Australian collector looking to find scarce Lee Falk 'The Phantom' comics and assorted memorabilia for my private collection.

I'm looking for;

Comics and print related;
- McKay Phantom Feature books #20, #22, #39
- Harvey Hits #1 and #6 with Phantom covers.
- King Comics 3-Pack comic display box
- Ace comics with Phantom covers; #151 is a priority but open to others
- 1960's Ottenheimer Color in book

Related memorabilia
- 1944 Phantom Syroco in Purple or Bown. Box of interest also.
- LARAMI Toys company Phantom toys on card.
- HASBRO Phantom Rub Ons or Painting By numbers sets.
- Any original 1943 The Phantom Serial items such as cinema posters, inserts, Lobby cards etc

Comic Art.
- Ray Moore Daily or Sunday art.
- Don Newton page art from Charlton Phantom comics or covers.
- Wilson McCoy Daily or Sunday art

Please don't hesitate to ask me!


In Response To:
James Lee
Mon, 5/13/19, 11:17 am
Re: Buying: WANTED - Lee Falk's The Phantom comics and related

Hello there, this wasn't listed but wanted to share anyways.

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