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Buying: Gold/Silver/and Bronze Age comics
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Tyler Sousa

Responses To This Post:
Fri, 4/12/19, 4:24 pm
Buying: Gold/Silver/and Bronze Age comics

Looking for super hero comic books from the 1930's to 2000s. We buy any Marvel and DC comics. Loose or graded it does not matter. Large and small comic book collections. Even if you only have single comics you want to sell we will buy them. If you have a collection of comics that you would like to sell let us know buy emailing us.


In Response To:
Tyler Sousa
Tue, 4/16/19, 8:44 am
Re: Buying: Gold/Silver/and Bronze Age comics

: Looking for super hero comic books from the 1930's to 2000s. We buy
: any Marvel and DC comics. Loose or graded it does not matter.
: Large and small comic book collections. Even if you only have
: single comics you want to sell we will buy them. If you have a
: collection of comics that you would like to sell let us know buy
: emailing us.

I have located a collection that is unfortunately mostly 1990's and 200's comic books.
It appears there are 20,000 comic in the collection.

Most are in top condition. Would you be willing to buy at like 25 cents a comic (Approximately $5000) If I could get a list and mail to your? I am asking if you are interested in in this type of collection. If so I can take a closer look. I am a smaller dealer and I am not interested in amount of this volume.


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