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For Sale: Super Mario Bros
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Alissa Dawson

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Alissa Dawson
Fri, 1/18/19, 5:21 pm
For Sale: Super Mario Bros

I received several Super Mario Bros. Encyclopedia's for Christmas so I am selling the extra ones. I have a couple that have been spoken for so at the moment I am only selling one. But might have others, if something falls through.

Super Mario Bros. Encyclopedia: The Official Guide to the First 30 Years is jam-packed with content from all seventeen Super Mario games--from the original Super Mario Bros. to Super Mario 3D World. Track the evolution of the Goomba, witness the introduction of Yoshi, and relive your favorite levels. This tome also contains an interview with producer Takashi Tezuka, tips to help you find every coin, star, sun, and mushroom--even explanations of glitches! With information on enemies, items, obstacles, and worlds from over thirty years of Mario, Super Mario Bros. Encyclopedia is the definitive resource for everything Super Mario!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Alissa Dawson

In Response To:
Alissa Dawson
Fri, 1/18/19, 5:29 pm
Re: For Sale: Super Mario Bros

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