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Notice: WANTED: Small Vendor For Nashville Show
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Wed, 10/3/18, 5:17 am
Notice: WANTED: Small Vendor For Nashville Show


I am looking for a small vendor (maybe two vendors) to sub-let a 7 x 7 or 10 x 5 space at the end of an isle at the Comic City Convention in Nashville at the Fairgrounds Dec 8 and 9, 2018.

I would prefer someone with magic cards, jewelry, toys, clothes, any cool pop culture items.
( I have primarily comic books - a few toys, Funko Pops and clothes)

This is your chance to sell at a high attendance show FOR A BUDGET PRICE. Myself and my crew will assist with display and setup to make the area look like one seamless area. My crew will furnish tables.

If your stuff looks good and you are successful, I will be successful as well.
Let's work as a team - email me here.

More on the Comic City Show here

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