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For Sale: awsome comic books for sale

Posted By: Alexandria
Date: Tue, 2/27/18, 9:05 pm

Red Sonjas first appearance
Stan Lees s april fools 1980 "we will miss him " cover
first appearance of Hellcat ,Vision
first captain america vs wolverine
Ms. Marvel#17
shes Hulk #1
double sided annuals
walking dead #1 +9 others covers
walking dead "all out war" cover, first issue
batman zero1
bukey's death
who will be the new captain america
captain america no more
i have a ton of good stuff
t onys starks death
first planet of the apes
tarzan DC and Marvel, and GoldKey
iron man 281
forever people #1
avengers #83
avengers #111
Im not a store but this list is a speck of what I have collected. I own new -all the way to the 50s - I have collections...i have top 100 comics-
serious buyers only
Im raising money for my childs surgery
text if you are interested in any or all but keep in mind I know what everything is worth ,but i am easy to work with

2446338071 or email
i will text pics of everything
everyting is nice

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