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For Sale: CHASTITY Lot (Chaos/Dynamite/2014)
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Heroic Renderings
Tue, 12/19/17, 6:49 pm
For Sale: CHASTITY Lot (Chaos/Dynamite/2014)

CHASTITY Lot (Chaos/Dynamite/2014)
*(Grade:NEAR MINT)
#1,3,4,5,5*variant *(of six)
*Written by Marc Andreyko. Art by Dave Acosta. Cover by Emanuela Lupacchino. In the 1980's and after a career-ending injury shatters her (and, really, her mother's) Olympic dreams, 17 year-old Chastity Marks finds an escape in a popular series of vampire novels... but little does she know that the novels conceal a secret underworld of blood, agony, and death - a world that she will be dragged into kicking and screaming. The classic Chaos! Character returns - reimagined, rebooted, and ready for blood!

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