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For Sale: Chilling Adventures of SABRINA Lot (Archie Horror/2014)
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Mon, 12/4/17, 11:55 am
For Sale: Chilling Adventures of SABRINA Lot (Archie Horror/2014)

Chilling Adventures of SABRINA Lot (Archie Horror/2014)
*(Grade:NEAR MINT)
*Written by Roberto Aguirre Sacasa. Art by Robert Hack and Jack Morelli. Cover by Robert Hack. New Ongoing Series! Terror is born anew in this dark reimagining of Sabrina the Teenage Witch's origin. On the eve of her sixteenth birthday, the young sorceress finds herself at a crossroads, having to choose between an unearthly destiny and her mortal boyfriend, Harvey. But a foe from her family's past has arrived in Greendale, Madame Satan, and she has her own deadly agenda. Archie Comic's latest horror sensation starts here!

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