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For Sale: ARCHIE vs PREDATOR Comics. You Say Whaaaa?!!!
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Thu, 11/30/17, 10:13 am
For Sale: ARCHIE vs PREDATOR Comics. You Say Whaaaa?!!!

ARCHIE vs PREDATOR Lot (Dark Horse)
*(Grade:NEAR MINT)
#2,3,4,4(variant)*final issue
*Written by Alex De Campi. Art and Cover by Fernando Ruiz, Rich Koslowski and Jason Millet. America's favorite teen meets the galaxy's fiercest hunter! Archie and friends hit Costa Rica for Spring Break, where party games and beach games are soon replaced by the Most Dangerous Game! What mysterious attraction does the gang hold for the trophy-collecting Predator, and will the kids even realize they're in danger before it claims them all?

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