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Event: KDS Comics to Coosa Con - Gadsden/Attalla, AL
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Mon, 10/9/17, 5:50 am
Event: KDS Comics to Coosa Con - Gadsden/Attalla, AL

KDS Comics here (Robert)

Check it out!!! (north east of Birmingham, AL) CoosCon is on Facebook here

I will be there selling comics, puzzles, games and toys from my personal collection. My prices are reduced from the prices here at CPG!!! So please come in person - I am accepting almost any offer. I need to reduce my inventory - so stop by!!

Feature is "Kiddettes" puzzle from Hanna Barbara TV show from 1967. Puzzle is also from 1967. Framed for only $25.

Feature is Popeye #27 from 1950! strict 7.0 condition - Comics Price Guide valeu is $48!!! My Price is $35 for this show only!!!

SHOW Special - "Man from U.N.C.L.E." Comics #6, #11 and 13. The secret agent man was the epitaph of 1960's cool! all GD/VG - three issues $15 this show only.

Also feature Green Lantern #1 from 2011 - graded 9.6 - "teardrop" misprint only $50.
Batman Eternal #1 graded 9.8 only $40.
Go-Go #1 from 1966 - nice copy. $20 during this show only! (normally $25).
Black Diamond Western #18 (Good -) from 1949 - only $5
The Atom #10 classic 'ride the grenade' cover - Fine condition only $36.
Will Eisner hardback "A Life Force" - signed, numbed, limited to 5000 copies - only $50 or best offer.

Sale will be Oct 28th at the Carnes Recreation Center, 102 Case Ave SE, Attalla, AL 35954

I have about 400 comics for $1 each (6 for $5) and another at least 150 comics in my "Bargain Basement" for less than $1. I will have over 500 Bronze and Silver Age comics.

Ask for one of my coupons at my booth and get a FREE toy with $5 of comics purchased!!!

Check out more of my stuff in my videos (from previous convention) here

Thanks for looking. I hope you can make it! See YOU at Coosa Conn!
All my top comics for sale here



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