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For Sale: Comics!!!Avengers,FF, Silver Surfer for Sale/Silver Age
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Fri, 10/6/17, 2:49 pm
For Sale: Comics!!!Avengers,FF, Silver Surfer for Sale/Silver Age

I have a collection of comic books for sale. Avengers mostly from issues 100 to 200, Fantastic Four 100 to 200, and Silver Surfer early titles. Most are graded Near Mint. I tried to grade them myself, and be conservative, but some may be a 1.0 to 1.5 off (mainly 9.0 listed), those listed at 9.2+ are NM. Here is also a list of some of the comic's pictures with their condition. Thanks.
Silver Surfer 14 Cover and Back vibrant, tiny cover fold top right corner, small tear on upper back top right, pages are crisp slightly off white
Fantastic Four 110 Cover and Back good, pages slightly off white, crisp
112 Cover and Back good, pages off white, crisp
Avengers 87 Cover and Back good, vibrant pages slightly off white
93 Cover and Back good, pages barely off white, crisp
100 cover vibrant, back has slight tear upper left, slight discoloration top back,
112 Cover and back vibrant, pages crisp, slightly off white
ann 7 cover and back vibrant, slight tear on cover, slight crease on back, pages slightly off white , crisp
Giant Size 1 cover and back vibrant, slight crease on back, pages slightly off white, cris
pics are here:

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