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For Sale: DAREDEVIL Vol.5 Lot (Marvel/2016)
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Heroic Renderings
Wed, 5/3/17, 5:34 pm
For Sale: DAREDEVIL Vol.5 Lot (Marvel/2016)

DAREDEVIL Vol.5 Lot (Marvel/2016)
*(Grade:NEAR MINT)
*Written by Charles Soule. Art and Cover by Ron Garney. Back in black and on his home turf, Daredevil begins again in New York City as a new enemy emerges. Meanwhile his alter ego, Matt Murdock, is on a new side of the law in the District Attorney's office. Fighting crime in the shadows, prosecuting bad guys in the light, it's a whole new chapter for our man without fear-including the arrival of the devil's advocate. Welcome to Hell, Blindspot.

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