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Event: Huntsville Comic & Pop Culture Expo
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KDS Comics
Sun, 3/5/17, 9:20 am
Event: Huntsville Comic & Pop Culture Expo

Hello All

KDS Comics here (Robert)

I will be selling comics, puzzles, games and toys from my personal collection.
Sale will be March 18th and 19th at the Huntsville Pop Culture Expo (see at the Von Braun Center - North Hall
I would like to thin my collection of over 3500 comic books. Buy one or all!
(I will make you such a deal!!!)

Comics at the sale will start at the same price as I have listed for on Comics Price Guide. ( ).
Most comics are approximately 20% off Guide Price.
No tax charged!! I am not a business.
STARTING savings is approximately 30% OFF!

I have over 400 "Family Friendly" comics for all ages and over 700 "Silver/Bronze Age" comics.

SHOW SPECIAL - Modern Era Comics (Valued at $4 or less) 10 for $25 - 20 for $45 - 30 for $60 - 50 for $87.50 - 100 for $150.
There will be additional SPECIAL DEALS at the show.

Ask for a coupon at my booth and get a FREE toy with $5 of comics purchased!!!

I am willing to negotiate - how much off depends on how old and rare - the more common an item is, the more I am willing to give $$ off. If it is old and cool....

See cover scans at Criagslist ad - Huntsville, AL

Check out more on my videos here

Thanks for looking. I hope you can make it!


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