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For Sale: UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL Vol.2 Lot (Marvel/2015)
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Heroic Renderings
Thu, 2/16/17, 10:32 am
For Sale: UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL Vol.2 Lot (Marvel/2015)

*(Grade:NEAR MINT)
*Written by Ryan North. Art and Cover by Erica Henderson. Galactus. Thanos. M.O.D.O.K. With her unique combination of wit, empathy, and totally kick-butt squirrel powers, Doreen Green -- aka The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl -- has taken ALL these chumps down! Alongside her friends Tippy-Toe (a squirrel) and Nancy (a regular human with no powers whatsoever -- they checked), Squirrel Girl is all that stands between the Earth and total destruction! Sometimes. Other times there's no threats and she's just a regular computer science student. That's an adventure too though!

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