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For Sale: Batman Comics $30
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Sun, 10/16/16, 5:59 pm
For Sale: Batman Comics $30

Lot of 36 Batman comics which includes The Untold Legend of Batman and the Knight End Series.

Untold Legend of the Batman 1-3 (3rd printing, Cereal Version)
Kinghtsend parts 1-10 plus 2 Aftermaths (Batman #509, 510, Shadow of the Bat #29,30,Detective Comics 676, 677/, Legends of the Dark Knight #62, 63, Robin #8, 9, Catwoman #12, 13)
Batman #0, 443-445, 447, 449, 454,455, 497, 500,511
Batman Legends of The Dark Knight #2, 4
Detective Comics #614, 618, 678
Robin (1990) #2 of 5
Robin #10
Catwoman 14
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #0, 31
Showcase '94 (Azrael) #10

All Comics in great/good condition. Feel free to email me if you have any questions

$30 + shipping

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