Buying: My Want List

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Sat, 8/20/16, 11:19 pm
Buying: My Want List
Looking for the following books to complete some runs of titles. Lower grade books are okay as long as complete.
Black Knight (2015) # 3
Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier # 4
Carnage (mini) # 3,4
Cyclops # 7,11
Daredevil (2014) # .1,17
Deadpool VS Carnage # 1
Fantastic Four # 642
Giant Size Spider-Man # 2,4
Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) # 9,12-15
Hawkeye VS Deadpool # 0
Hulk (2014) # 10-12
Inhuman # 1
Iron Fist Living Weapon # 1,7,10
Magneto # 5,13
MS.Marvel (2014) # 5,12,19
Moon Knight (2014) # 1-3,5
Nova (2013) # 21,28
Nova Special # 1
Punisher (2014) # 2
Scarlet Spiders # 2
Spider-verse Team-Up # 1
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (vol.1)# 6,7
Uncanny X-Force (2010) # 4
Venom (2011) # 8,13.2
Action Comics (2011) # 29,49-52
Aquaman (2011) # 43,47,49-52
Batman & Robin (2011) # 29
Batwoman # .1 (I think this was actually a zero issue. The series had 2 zero issues.)
Bizarro # 3,4,6
Catwoman (2011) # 39,48-52
Constantine # 2,20-22
Detective Comics : Endgame # 1
Green Lantern (2011) # 28,47-52
Justice League Darkseid war titles (Batman, Flash, Green Lantern , anbd Lex Luthor)
Justice League UNited # 14-17
Lobo (2014) # 6
Martian Manhunter (2015) # 2,3
Red Lanterns # 28,30,Ann.1
Robin War # 1
Secret Origins (new 52) # 8
Sinestro # 2,15,19,21-23
Static # 39,43-45
Supergirl (2011) # 26,28,34
Superman (2011) # 29,30,38,39,47-52
Wonder Woman (2011) # 41,45,47,49-52,Annual # 1
Worlds Finest Comics # 206,207,209
Angel & Faith Season 10 # 5,7,8,10,19-end of series
BUffy Season 10 # 5,7,9,13,15,19-21,23,24,26-end of series (30?)
Farscape (vol.2) # 17,22,23
I have a longer list, but I consider these a priority. If you want the longer list elt me know.
In Response To:
Sun, 9/18/16, 12:12 am
Re: Buying: My Want List
Want List Updated with recent purchases
Carnage (mini) # 3,4
Cyclops # 11
Daredevil (2014) # .1,17
Deadpool VS Carnage # 1
Fantastic Four # 642
Giant Size Spider-Man # 2,4
Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) # 9,12-15
Hawkeye VS Deadpool # 0
Hulk (2014) # 12,14
Inhuman # 1
Iron Fist Living Weapon # 1,10
Magneto # 5
MS.Marvel (2014) # 5,12,19
Moon Knight (2014) # 1-3,5
Nova (2013) # 21,28
Nova Special # 1
Punisher (2014) # 2
Scarlet Spiders # 2
Spider-verse Team-Up # 1
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (vol.1)# 6,7
Venom (2011) # 8,13.2
Action Comics (2011) # 29,51
Aquaman (2011) # 43,47,49
Batman & Robin (2011) # 29
Bizarro # 4,6
Catwoman (2011) # 39,48-51
Constantine # 2,22
Detective Comics : Endgame # 1
Green Lantern (2011) # 28,47,50,51
Justice League Darkseid war titles (Batman, Flash, Green Lantern , and Lex Luthor)
Justice League United # 17
Lobo (2014) # 6
Martian Manhunter (2015) # 2,3
Red Lanterns # 28,30,Ann.1
Secret Origins (new 52) # 8
Sinestro # 2,19,21-23
Static # 39,43-45
Supergirl (2011) # 26,28,34
Superman (2011) # 29,30,38,39,48,49,51
Wonder Woman (2011) # 41,45,49-52,Annual # 1
Worlds Finest Comics # 206,207,209
Angel & Faith Season 10 # 5,19-end of series
Buffy Season 10 # 5,7,9,15,19-20,23,24,27,29,30
Farscape (vol.2) # 17,22,23