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For Sale: comicnut_1 eBay auctions - Dr. Strange #1 & 169,
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Mon, 8/1/16, 5:37 pm
For Sale: comicnut_1 eBay auctions - Dr. Strange #1 & 169,

I have a bunch of keys and other Silver, Bronze and Copper age books up on eBay this week.


Featured books include:

Dr. Strange #169 CGC 7.0 (1st Solo series)
Dr. Strange #1 CGC 9.4 (1st Silver Dagger)
Spectacular Spider-Man #64 CGC 9.6 (1st Cloak & Dagger)
New Teen Titans #2 CGC 9.6 (1st Deathstroke)
Harley Quinn (2000) #1 CGC 9.8 (1st Solo series)
Batman Adventures Annual #1 CGC 9.8 (Early Harley Quinn appearance)
Sandman #8 CGC 9.8 (1st Appearance of Death)

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