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For Sale: Stack of Golden age comics 50% off and more in Oregon
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Responses To This Post:
Sat, 6/25/16, 10:37 am
For Sale: Stack of Golden age comics 50% off and more in Oregon

Hello, I am a private collector located in Portland Oregon selling some comic books that no longer hold my interest to help me clear out some closet space. Please view the expanded version of this ad to see everything I have availiable. I will ship within the USA and accept postal money orders, or cash sent in a registered envelope. A dialogue about other forms of payment is possible. I've sold a lot of comics locally, but have done lots of mail orders, including several from here with people from out of state sending me cash or postal money order who were happy and willing to give me good references for prompt shipping and accurate grading. Thanks to Andrew, Sherman, Ed, Tanner, Tyler, Michael and others for hooking up with me through this site.

This first list has 40 Golden age comics from the 1940's and 50s that I am selling for a 50% discount from Overstreet annual guide prices.

2 F-
10 F+
Best Romance 5 G/VG
Big Shot 65 F
Blue Bolt
V.4 # 10 G+
V.6 # 5 VG+
Darling Romance 3 G-
Dead-Eye Western By Hillman all are 52 pages
V.1 # 2 VG-
V.1 # 6 VG-
V.1 # 8 VG+
V.1 # 9 VG+
V.1 # 10 G+
V.2 # 1 VG+
Intimate Love 17 G+
Life Story
4 G-
8 G-
Love Confessions 2 G-
Love Dairy 17 G-
Romantic Adventures 20 G-
Romantic Confessions by Hillman all are 52 pages
V.1 # 5 G-
V.1 # 8 G/VG
V.1 # 11 VG+
V.2 # 4 VG-
V.2 # 5 VG
V.2 # 10 G+
Sparkling Stars 12 Fair/G
V.8 # 6 VG+
V.8 # 9 G/VG
Treasure Chest
V.4 # 11 VG+
V.14 # 3 VG/F
V.14 # 7 VG+
V.14 # 10 VG-
V.14 # 14 VG+
V.14 # 15 VG-
Western Fighters by Hillman all are 52 page comics
V.1 # 2 G/VG
V.1 # 5 G
V.1 # 6 G/VG
V.1 # 12 G
V.2 # 5 G+
V.2 # 7 F+
V.3 # 2 G+


Single issues and stacks.............50% below Overstreet Guide Prices
$355 will buy all my golden age comics


In Response To:
Sat, 6/25/16, 10:40 am
Over 450 comics at 75% to 85% off

This next list has about two long boxes of comic books and comic magazines from the 1980s and up for 75% to 85% off guide prices. A few of these comics have been signed by the artist and I do want an extra dollar a book for them. Most books are in NM- or better condition sitting bagged and boarded in boxes since I bought them new.

Action 674 Supergirl reintro
Aliens vs Predator 1990 series 1 Signed by artist Phil Norwood $1 extra
Alpha Flight 1983 series 88 with Wolverine
Americas Greatest Comics 1-3 by AC Golden age hero reprints
Animal Confidential 1
Basil Wolvertons Fantastic Fables 2 Golden-age reprints
Bloodshot 1993 series by Valiant 2-4, 8-9
Cable Mini-Series: Blood and Metal 1-2
Captain Confederacy by Silverwolf 1 Alternate reality where South wins Civil war
Captain Victory & the Galactic Rangers 1981 Series by Pacific 1-13 Jack Kirby art, story
Cosmic Book 1
Dark Horse Comics 1992 series 7 Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi story
Dark Horse Presents 1986 series 42-3, 54, 56, Aliens and Predator stories
Dark Shadows 1992 series 1 Painted cover
Deathmate: Blue, Yellow, Black Image/Valiant crossover series
Defend Comics nn 2015 by Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
Detective Comics 600
Dirt 1 by Fantagraphics
Doom Patrol 1987 series 29 Superman appearence
Dreadstar 1982 series 2-34, Annual 1 Jim Starlin art and story
Electra Assassin 1986 Mini-Series by Epic 2-3, 5, 8
Evil Ernie: Straight to Hell 1
Evil Ernie: vs Superheroes 1
Excalibur 1988 series 1, 3-7, 9 X-Men spinoff
Excalibur Special Edition nn 1988 The Sword is Drawn
Excalibur Mojo Mayhem signed by artist Art Adams $1 extra
Firestar 1986 Mini-Series 1-4 X-men, Wolverine In story
Groo the Wanderer 1985 series by Epic 10, 15 Sergio Aragones
Harbinger 1992 series by Valiant 7-9, 26-30
H.A.R.D. Corps 1992 series by Valiant 1-2, 4-6, 9-13
Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown 1-4
High Shining Brass by Apple 1-4 Viet-nam war story
Human Powerhouse 1 Golden age reprints Basil Wolverton art
Iron Man 225, 227, 229-230
John Bryne's Next Men 1992 series 1
Justice League 1987 series 20-21 Lobo in story
Last American 1-4
L.E.G.I.O.N. 1989 series 28-31, 33-34 Lobo is L.E.G.I.O.N. member in all issues
Life in Prison 1
Lobo First Mini-Series 1-2 Simon Bisley art
Lobo's Back 1 Simon Bisley art
Lobo: Blazing Chain of Love 1
Mac Afro 1
Magnus Robot Fighter 1991 series by Valiant 17-38
Marvel Comics Presents 1988 series 72 with Wolverine
Marvel 1985 1-5
Marvels 1-4
Marvel Zombies Supreme 2-4
Men of Mystery 21 by AC Golden age hero reprints
Misadventures of Adam West 1-4
Ms. Mystic 1982 series by Pacific 1 Neal Adams art and story
'Nam, The 1986 series 1
New Mutants 1983 series 85, 90-4, 96-7 Liefeld art
New Mutants Annual 5 Liefeld art
New Two Fisted Tales by Dark Horse 2 Harvey Kurtzman art
New Warriors 1990 series 1
One, The by Epic 1-2
Pitt 1993 series 1
Power of Prime 1-4
Prime 1993 series 1-3, 5-26
Prime 1994 Annual 1
Prime 1995 series Infinity, 2-7
Rai 1992 series by Valiant 7-22
Rom 65
Rune 1994 series 1-9
Rune Giant 1
Rust 12 by Now First Terminator comic story
Sabretooth 1993 Mini-Series 2-4
Savage Dragon 1992 Mini-Series 1-3
Sergio Aragones' Boogeyman 1-4
Shadowman 1992 series by Valiant 3, 5-7
Shadow of the Torturer by Innovation 1-3
Silver Star 1983 series by Pacific 5 Jack Kirby art and story
Skygal 1 by AC Golden age reprints
Solar 1991 series by Valiant 13, 20-22
Spider-Man 1990 series UPC Bag 1, 1-2, 8, 10-11 Todd Mcfarline art
Sports Superstars 3 Magic Johnson bio
Starslayer 1982 series by Pacific 1, 5 Second appearence of Groo
Terminator 1990 series by Dark Horse 1, 4 both signed by artist Chris Warner $1 extra
Terminator Secondary Objectives 1-4
Thunderstrike 1993 series 1
Timely Comics Presents: The Human Torch Golden age reprints
Twilight Zone by Now 1 Prestige Format
Unity 1992 Mini-Series by Valiant 0-1
Warlock and the Infinity Watch 1, 11-14, 16-17
Warlock Chronicles 1-8
Wild C.A.T.S. 1992 series 1-3
Wolverine Saga 1
World's Finest 1990 Mini-Series 1 Superman/Batman team-up
X-Factor 1986 series 10, 71
X-Force 1991 series 1 sealed with card Liefeld art
Yankee Doodle nn Christian Kids comic by Spire
Youngblood 1992 series 1-3 Liefeld art
Young Men 25 1994 printing with 1950s Atlas super hero reprints
Zero Hour 4-1


Cracked Magazines from 1974 112, 116, 119, Giant 9
Golden Age of Comics fanzine 5 Golden age reprints
Jab Quarterly 1 OJ Simpson cover and satires
'Nam Magazine 1
Panels fanzine 2 Golden age reprints


Angry Shadows 1 First Vampire Lestat
Anne Rice's Interview With a Vampire 1-7
Black Dogs 1
Climaxxx 1
Colors in Black 1-4 by Spike Lee
Contraceptive Commandos 1
Dead Man Walking 1 by Boneyard Press
Deadworld 1986 series 26
Eagle 4 by Comic Zone
Extinction Parade 1-5 by Max Brooks
Faust 7-10 Tim Vigil art
Flowers on the Razorwire 11 by Boneyard Press
Gore Shriek V. 2 # 2.5 Special Limited All-Grunch issue
Jack the Lantern 3 of 5 from 2003, Ghosts: Preview, 1
Kid Eternity 1991 Mini-Series 1
Leather and Lace 13-17
Marvel Zombies Supreme 2-4
No Guts or Glory 1 by Kevin Eastman
Queen of the Damned 1, 5
Roadkill 1 A Tale of Deadworld
Roxy 1
Scorched Earth 1
Spotlight 0
Starstruck 1
Tijuana Bible by Starhead 7, 9
Undead Task Force 1-2
Vampire Companion by Innovation 2-3
Vampire Lestat by Innovation 1-12
Walking Dead Weekly 5-6
Zombie Kid 1


Single issues and stacks............75% below Overstreet Guide Prices
Long Box or More...................80% below Overstreet Guide Prices
Everything in one shot.............85% below Overstreet Guide Prices
$300 will buy all my 1980s and up comics and magazines

Note- Prices for my other stuff is already set and will not be figured into to the discount on any stacks of comics that you buy.

Horrors of War 1984 reprint card set 241-288 by WTW $5

The New Fantastic Four 1978 board game by Milton Bradley
New unplayed condition board and pop outs never punched out $15


Billionaires & Ballot Bandits By Greg Palast $4
Book of Obama by Ted Rall $4
Drug Wars by Johnathan Marshel $2
Essential Captian America 1-3 $10 each
Freedom Fries by Steve Brodner $10
Harbinger 1992 TPB reprints 1-4 sealed with 0 issue $5
Ireland: A Graphic History by Morgan Llywelyn $5
Lady Luck TPB 1-2 Klaus Nording Golden age reprints $3 each
Mr. Spic Goes to Washington by Ilan Stavans $3
Showcase Presents Teen Titans 1-2 $10 each
Waltz With Bashir: A Lebanon War Story by Ari Folman $5
War Stories: A Graphic History by Mike Conroy $10
World War 3 Illustrated 1980 to 1988 $7


Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 21 1991 $2
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 23 1993 $2
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 25 1995 $2
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 26 1996 $2
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 27 1997 $2
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 28 1998 $2
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 29 1999 $2
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 30 2000 $2
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 31 2001 $2
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 32 2002 $2
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 33 2003 $2
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 34 2004 $2
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 35 2005 $2
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 37 2007 $3
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 38 2008 $3
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 39 2009 $3
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 40 2010 $4
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 42 2012 $4
Overstreet Annual Price Guide SC 44 2014 $5

$40 will buy all my old Price guides

Thanks for taking a look at what I have.

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