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For Sale: Comic Book Sets
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Tue, 3/29/16, 7:06 am
For Sale: Comic Book Sets

Sets of Comic discounted from Comic Price Guide price...

1) Spider-Gwen #1 - #5 – All Near Mint (NM) condition – take all five for $30.
2) Martha Washington Goes to War (1984) #1,2,3,4,5 all five issues Very Fine (VF) $8.
3) Justice League: Generation Lost (DC) #1 - #24 NM $50 total.
4) Kurt Busieck’s Astro City (Vol 1) #5 (Vol 2 Homage / Image) #2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12,13,14 – Astro City Vol 2 (Homage) #17, 18, 22. Fifteen Issues VF- to NM- $30.
5) Batgirl (2011 DC) #6, 8, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35A –NM seven issues for $12.
6) The Spirit (Warren) #1 (Kitchen Sink) #30, 35,37, 39, 40 – All 6.5 to 7.0 condition six for $22
7) Patrick the Wolf Boy (Blind Wolf) – Christmas Special #1, Halloween Specials #2,3,4 Summer Special #1, Valentines Special #1, Wedding Special #1. Take all VF to NM -seven issues for $14 .
8) Superman for All Seasons - 4 Issue mini-series Loeb/Sale 1998. All NM- 4 for $12. .
9) El Cazador (CrossGen - Dixon & Epting) #1 2nd print, 2,3,4,5,6 all 9.2/9.4 $12 for set
10) Animal Man (DC/Vertigo 1988) #67, 69, 70, 71, 72 – All 7.0 - $7.50
11) Batman Incorporated (Death of Robin - Damian Wayne) #8, #9 – both (9.0) $10
12) Battle of the Planets (Top Cow 2002) #2, 6, 7, 9, 10 plus (BOTP - Princess) #3 All VF to NM six for $12
13) Blackest Night #0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5C, 6, 7.8 all nine NM-/NM Guide $32.28 All for $26
14) Blackest Night :Batman (3 issue series) #1,2,3 NM Price $7
15) Bloodshot (Valiant 1992) #8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 24, 30 all NM- Guide $13.90 Price $10
16) The Brave and the Bold (DC)– Old (1955 series) - #116 (3.0) #119 (3.0) #127 (4.0), #131 (4.5), #147 (4.0) #156 (4.0) #161 (4.0), #167 (4.0), #177 (4.0) #178 (4.0) #190 (5.5), #195 (4.5), #197(4.5) New (2007 series All 9.4) #2, 3, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17, 22, 25 Guide $39.96 Take all 22 Comics for $33
17) Brightest Day #0 -24 Plus 3 Issue Aftermath “Search for the Swamp Thing” all NM – 28 Issues Guide $87 Take all for $75
18) Citizen V and the V-Battalion three issue miniseries #1,2,3 all (VF+) Guide $8 price $5
19) The Crossovers (CrossGen 2003) #1, 2, 5, 7, 8. 9 (NM-/NM) Guide $18 Price $12
20) Infinite Crisis 7 issue mini #1-#7 (9.4) $20
21) Robotech (DC 2002) #0,1A,2,3,4 five issues (NM-) $10

I have over 3000 comic books for sale via collector to collector website Comic Price Guide.
You can see my top comic for sale via this link for KDS_comics:
Price for most comics are approximately 20% off guide price.

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