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Buying: MAKE MONEY WITH ME!!!....buying golden and silver age collections and vintage toys!!!
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richard mohn
Sat, 2/27/16, 7:54 am
Buying: MAKE MONEY WITH ME!!!....buying golden and silver age collections and vintage toys!!!

Please send me your for sale list...or pictures...or .just give me a call !!! I am always buying and YES...I AM A REAL COLLECTOR...

I buy 1930s through 1974 era comic book collections. I am located in central Illinois. I will gladly travel a couple of hours or meet up with you, or you can come to me or sell via the mail...WHATEVER! Let me know what you have, I am especially interested in very early Archie, Donald Duck, Walt Disney's Comics and Stories, early four-colors, pre code Horror and Science Fiction from before 1955.

I will look at superhero comics from the 1930's to 1974 era.

I also buy mint in box Aurora monster, Superhero, Prehistoric Scenes, monster scenes, etc...plastic model kits from the 1960s through 1975

1960s GI JOE collections....1960s and early 1970s REDLINE Hotwheel collections.

Just give me a call or send your pictures... Richard Mohn 217-632-3655

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