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For Sale: 3 comic book boxes
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John- Sydney Yamane

Responses To This Post:
Wed, 2/10/16, 5:38 pm
For Sale: 3 comic book boxes


That;'s right. I said Aloha! I'm from the state of Hawaii. I'm new here and represent a comic book collector, who wants to liquidate his collection from years past. My name is David and I'll be handling the all of the logistical things involved with getting any potential buyer/ collector of comic books all the of the necessary information in order to sell off the collection in it's entirety or by single prints and titles. Just to rouse interest one of the 'comicbook boxes' contains mostly/ all 'X-Men' comic books. The other two boxes contain prints and titles that are authored by popular industry people. For inquiries and more information on this collection please e-mail me back.



In Response To:
John- Sydney Yamane
Tue, 2/16/16, 5:03 pm
Re: For Sale: 3 comic book boxes

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