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: [b]GRIMM FAIRY TALES TPB Lot (Zenescope)*Eight Editions! : *(Grades Range FINE++/VF) : Volume 3 - Collects Grimm Fairy Tales (2005) #13-18. By J.C. Tyler : and Ralph Tedesco. Grimm Fairy Tales explores a much darker side : of the classic Brothers Grimm fairy tales. These timeless : stories have been reimagined in this red hot series and are : delivered with shocking and horrifying twists. "Beauty and : the Beast," "The Three Little Pigs," "Miss : Muffet," "The Juniper Tree" and the "Three : Billy Goats Gruff" are collected from the hit series. This : volume also includes a new Grimm Fairy Tales short story : published here for the first time! Softcover, 144 pages. : Volume 5 - Collects Grimm Fairy Tales (2005) #25-30. By Joe Brusha : and Ralph Tedesco. Fairy tales and fables have been passed down : from generation to generation throughout the world for hundreds : of years. But there has never been an adaptation quite like : this! The Little Mermaid wants nothing more than to fall in love : with a prince, but the deal she makes with a mysterious being : will prove to be a terrible mistake! Three "blind" : mice concoct a plan to outsmart an innocent old lady, but : quickly learn that appearances can many times be deceiving. King : Midas is given the power to turn everything he touches into gold : but finds that what sounds like a blessing is really just a : horrific curse. Zenescope presents six new fairy tales retold : and re-imagined with six incredible terrifying new twists will : leave you wanting more! Includes a bonus short story. Softcover, : 168 pages. : Volume 7 - 1st printing. Collects Grimm Fairy Tales (2005) #37-42. : Cover by Romano Molenaar. Fairy Tales and Fables have been : passed down from generation to generation throughout the world : for hundreds of years. But there has never been an adaptation : quite like this! An egotistical and prideful lion reluctantly : accepts help from a little mouse and finds that returning the : favor is both loyal and dangerous. A scorpion hitches a ride : across a dangerous river on the back of a skeptical frog who : decides to take a leap of faith. But can a killer change his : nature? A couple discovers a goose that lays golden eggs but : will greed overcome them and prove to be their ultimate : downfall. Six new fairy tales retold and re-imagined with six : incredible new twists that will leave you wanting more! : Softcover, 168 pages. : Volume 8 - 1st printing. Written by Joe Brusha and Ralph Tedesco. : Cover by Romano Molenaar. Fairy Tales and Fables have been : passed down from generation to generation throughout the world : for hundreds of years. But there has never been an adaptation : quite like this! This volume contains eight issues, culminating : in the explosive, landmark 50th issue. Godfather Death, The : Devil's Brother, Hunt for the Unicorn and Cinderella part two : are included in this issue. Softcover, 184 pages. : Volume 9 - 1st printing. Written by Joe Brusha and Raven Gregory. : Cover by Romano Molenaar. The latest issues of Grimm Fairy Tales : are collected in the Volume 9 trade paperback. Fairy Tales and : Fables have been passed down from generation to generation : throughout the world for hundreds of years. But this hit : independent series puts an all new spin on these familiar : stories. Included in this volume are the classic tales the Glass : Coffin, The Golden Stag and Grateful Beasts among others. A must : have for fans of the series. Softcover, 184 pages. : Volume 10 - 1st printing. Written by Joe Brusha and James Patrick. : Cover by Romano Molenaar. The city of Tallus is under siege by : Orcus and his army and Sela and her companions, Bolder the : dwarf, and the Realm Knight Blake, find themselves trapped : inside. Outnumbered and overpowered by Orcus's minions it seems : only a matter of time until the city falls. But Tallus holds a : great secret and before the final battle is decided two age old : powers of Myst will return... an ancient evil will rise and : nature's most powerful force will stand against it in a conflict : that may well decide the fate of Myst itself. Volume 10 of this : long running hit independent series includes the classic fairy : tale Diamonds and Toads and encompasses the entire Mother Nature : story arc. Softcover, 172 pages. : Volume 11 - 1st printing. Collects Grimm Fairy Tales (2005) #65-70. : Written by Joe Brusha. Cover by Mike Capprotti. Follow a modern : day Snow White, Sela Mathers, as she journeys to limbo to save : her prince who is being held captive by the Mistress that rules : the realm. Along the way she must battle the demons that inhabit : the realm and face one of the deadliest enemies she's ever : encountered, Jack the Giant Killer. Softcover, 172 pages. : Volume 12 - 1st printing. Collects Grimm Fairy Tales (2005) #71-76. : Written by J. Scott Campbell. Cover by Mike Capprotti. Fairy : tales and fables have been passed down for generations : throughout the history of mankind. But there has never been an : adaptation quite like this! Collecting stories from Zenescope : Entertainment's longest running series. Softcover, 172 pages. : : https://collectorsscene-com.myshopify.com/products/grimm-fairy-tales-tpb-lot-zenescope-eight-editions : [/b]
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