For Sale: Large Bronze / Modern Comic Collection
John Dowson Responses To This Post: Tyler Sousa |
Wed, 12/20/17, 7:25 am
For Sale: Large Bronze / Modern Comic Collection
I'm selling off my comic collection which I started back in 1977. I have the comics listed individually on a website I created at so come check them out. The collection contains lots of Bronze Age, some Silver Age and early Indy comics from the 80's, all the way through to modern stuff like The Walking Dead, Amazing Spidergirl, American Vampire. It also has lots of the classic titles, Captain America, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Justice League, Batman etc. I have over 10,000 comics to sell and have about 2,000 listed so far with lots more to follow, so come buy some!! thanks.
Tyler Sousa In Response To: John Dowson |
Fri, 4/12/19, 4:30 pm
Re: For Sale: Large Bronze / Modern Comic Collection
hello i saw your post