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Buying: BUYING 1938 to 1944 era Action and Superman
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rich mohn
Sat, 12/3/16, 2:14 pm
Buying: BUYING 1938 to 1944 era Action and Superman

I am in central Illinois

I am looking for remaindered books, parts books, covers, coverless, bound volumes, etc. I want Action Comics #7, #10, #13, #17 some in the #20s to #50 range

Also Superman #1, #13, and #26

Adventure Flessel Sandman covers

early Detective and Batman comics

I am not interested in brittle or water damaged covers or books.

I will buy or have books and toys to trade. Have AF #15, Hulk #181 cgc 8.0 Hulk #1 FF #1 etc...etc... Monster toys, vintage 60s and 70s G.I. Joe, Aurora monster kits, redline Hotwheels etc...

Thanks, Rich Mohn 217-632-3655

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