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Collectibles Shop

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Collectibles Shop
Thu, 10/17/24, 11:20 am

The Collectibles Shop website (a non-business private collector) has back issue comics from the 1960s-2000s (with some CGC'd, and raw .25-$1 stuff on the Clearance page), posters and other art, toys, Star Trek, Star Wars, other sci-fi, comic related and other magazines, sports stuff, Disney, Warner Bros., and other cartoon & character items for sale.

I can take credit card payments via Square's Invoice service. Details on my site's How to Order page.
Many of my few remaining Silver and Bronze age books are 30%-60% or more off guide (most are in the F/VF, VF, to NM- range), and many NM moderns are 50%-75% off guide or cover price, or even less on the Clearance page. Special Lot deals on my clearance comics too, up to 50% more off, and your choice of comics.

To make it easier for some to go right to the page they're interested in, I'll post all my main page URLs. Site is ad, pop-up and flash free, and yeah, a bit 'retro' style, but it's simple and it works. Internal search function too. Site navigation is at the bottom of all main pages:

Collectibles Shop home page -
Comic Book, Magazine main pages:
CGC graded comics for sale:
Clearance comics & related magazines for sale:
Marvel comics for sale:
DC comics for sale:
Image comics for sale:
Independent comics for sale:
Magazines for sale (Entertainment/celebrity etc.):

Sci-Fi and Toys main pages:
Star Trek for sale:
Star Trek paintings by Sonia Hillios for sale:
Star Wars for sale:
Toys & neat stuff for sale:
Warner Brothers/Bros. for sale (Batman, Looney Tunes, Hanna-Barbera etc.):

Art & other collectibles main pages:
Comic and other Art for sale:
Disney for sale:
Sports collectibles for sale:
The Office merchandise for sale (NBC show):

Exact shipping charged, no handling fees. Experienced seller, satisfaction guaranteed on condition or money back, less shipping fees. Shipping in U.S. and maybe Canada.

PLEASE read my How To Order page before contacting me about buying. . I can take credit card payments via Square's Invoice service (nothing to join or sign up for, no cost to you), similar to PP's. Also money orders, personal checks, cashiers checks, well concealed cash. MoneyGram and Western Union transfers work too if you're in a hurry, and they take credit cards, but have fees. You get confirmation every step of the way. My Feedbacks page has plenty of positive customer testimonials:

Email is checked frequently and you will get a fast reply (I'm online most afternoons, and evenings on and off), so please check your email later that day or evening for a reply, and reply back as soon as you can, thanks! (You'll have to use the email link on my site. No email posted here due to spammers.)
-Collectibles Shop

Collectibles Shop

In Response To:
Collectibles Shop
Sun, 11/17/24, 11:18 pm
CGC graded comics, 9.4-9.8 $25-up

See my CGC page for details and scans of all of them at . I also throw in a free raw comic with the CGC'd ones, usually a duplicate of the graded issue if I have 1, or your choice of stuff on my Clearance page.

NOTE: Some of my older ones will have some "Newton's Rings/blotches/pools" effects on the front and/or back to varying degrees, from the inner plastic 'bag' touching the outer case plastic in places. See this official explanation about it on their forum: . Looks like an oily film, but is NOT, it's simply a prism/contact effect and there's no harm to the comic. It's been this way for a long time, but they've improved the cases and most newer ones are ok. No returns because of this effect, ok? The areas will look better or worse depending on the viewing angle, so scans and camera pics don't accurately reflect the full amount of such areas. I have larger images I can send you too, but they don't show all the Newton areas all that well, so plan on there being more than any image will show.

-(2) Daredevil #260, Typhoid Mary appearance. Both 9.6...$35 each
-Fantastic Four #347, part one of the New FF team of Spider-Man, Hulk, Ghost Rider and Wolverine...$40
-(3) Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance #1 NEWSSTAND versions, all 9.6. 2 should've been 9.8. Part 2 of Midnight Sons. Were $45-$65, now $40-$60.
-Ghost Rider #31 9.8, 1st Midnight Sons as team. With original polybag and poster...$90
-Guardians of the Galaxy #5 9.8, 2013 series, 1st Angela in Marvel Universe...$100
-Invincible Iron Man #1, 9.6. 2017 series, 1st Appearance of Riri Williams as Ironheart, on cover...$50
-Marvels #2,3 (of 4) of the 1994 Alex Ross painted mini-series. Both 9.6...$35 each.
-Star Wars #99 9.4, newsstand version...$60
-(3) Uncanny X-Men #1, all 9.8. An insert comic from Pro Action magazine. Includes the 8 premium trading cards that were in the mag, with 4 X-Men and 4 pro football players (loose in the CGC bag). Rare graded...$120 ea., or 2 for $200

-Batman Special Edition, Free Comic Book Day 2021. 9.6, at grading cost...$25
-Black Orchid #1-3 1988 mini-series SET. All 9.8...$150
-Crisis on Infinite Earths #12, 9.6, should've been an easy 9.8...$55.
-DC 52 Week 12, 9.6. 1st new Isis. Was $40, now...$35
-Green Lantern #195 9.8 1960s series. Guy Gardner becomes full time GL...$120
-Green Lantern #0 9.8, 2012. Simon Baz origin and 1st appearance in continuity...$70
-Green Lantern #20, 2011 series, 1st mention of Jessica Cruz. 2 copies, 9.8...$70. 9.6...$35
-Justice League #31 (2014) 9.8. First full appearance of Jessica Cruz...$120
-Justice League #50 (2016), RARE NEWSSTAND & COVER PRICE VARIANT. 9.8. Only 6 graded in 9.8, and none higher...$500
-(2) Justice League International Quarterly #13, both 9.8 NEWSSTANDS. Cover by Joe Linsner...$60 ea.
-Justice League 2016 Special Edition #1 from 2016, New 52, 9.8. Exclusive Walmart version, reprints the 2011 #1 with slight cover differences. Very rare graded, and this is the ONE AND ONLY 9.8, so you reprint variant collectors need this...$150
-Kingdom Come #2, 9.6 (very harsh, only tiny defects)...$50
-(2) Nolan Ryan in the Winning Pitch, a cereal mail-in premium. Super rare in the census. Got 1 9.8, the ONLY one, and 1 9.6. 9.8 is $225, 9.6 is $90.
-Shadow #7, the 1988 series. Only 3 graded in census, mine's the only 9.6, and only others are 9.8 and 9.2. Main point is the cool Marshall Rogers pen and ink detailed cover. Should have been 9.8, don't know why not...$30
-Star Trek Next Generation #75, 9.8, cover painting by Sonia Hillios and signed by her, has green Qualified label...$70 Only 1 graded so far. Get a free raw signed copy too! Great gift for the Trekker you know.
-Star Trek Next Generation Special #2, 9.8. Nice Sonia Hillios cover painting with Ensign Ro, Riker and Worf. ONLY GRADED COPY...$50

-Gen 13 #3 9.8, 1st regular series from Image. Very few in census or ever for sale. Was $50, now...$45
-John Byrne's Next Men #1, Vol. 1 (Dark Horse), 9.8...$50. Plus get a free raw copy.
-Shadowman #1 9.6, Vol. 1 1992 Valiant Comics, for my cost...$66

Wizard #1/2s:
-(3) Devil's Reign #1/2, all got 9.8. Silver Surfer, Witchblade, Ghost Rider and Wolverine team-up...$70 ea. or all 3 for $195.

-Femme Fatales V5 #7, Elvira cover. 9.6, highest graded and the only 9.6. No Newton pools...$150
-(2) Golden Anniversary of Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs, from Gladstone, 1987, with stickers and posters intact. Both got 9.8, 1 case got cracked a little, my fault, but not going to pay for reholdering. Highest 2 in census. Asking $125 now for the cracked case one (was $140), and $180 for the other (was $210).
-Sports Illustrated 25th Swimsuit issue, 1989, 9.2, 3rd highest graded of extremely few graded. Kathy Ireland cover. No Newton pools, but case front has multiple small scuffs and more scratches than usual, so you may want to send for reholdering...$160

Exact shipping charged, no handling fees. Experienced seller, satisfaction guaranteed on condition or money back, less shipping fees. Shipping in U.S. and maybe Canada.

PLEASE read my How To Order page before contacting me about buying. . I can take credit card payments via Square's Invoice service (nothing to join or sign up for, no cost to you), similar to PP's. Also money orders, personal checks, cashiers checks, well concealed cash. MoneyGram and Western Union transfers work too if you're in a hurry, and they take credit cards, but have fees. I've been doing mail order for 35+ years now, providing quality items and good service. You get confirmation every step of the way. My Feedbacks page has plenty of positive customer testimonials:
Email is checked frequently and you will get a fast reply (I'm online most afternoons, and evenings on and off), so please check your email later that day or evening for a reply, and reply back as soon as you can, thanks! (You'll have to use the email link on my site. No email posted here due to spammers.)
-Collectibles Shop -

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