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Buying: MY WANT LIST take a look
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sherman burnett
Mon, 8/12/19, 2:38 pm
Buying: MY WANT LIST take a look

Here's a list of books I need to complete my collection.
Condition not important as long as it's complete- that's all I care about. Not looking for investment copies - no CGC,etc.

All-New Guardians of the Galaxy # 4,6,Ann.1
Astonishing Tales vol.1 # 18,19,23,25
Black Panther World of Wakanda # 3,5
Carnage (mini) # 3
Daredevil (2015) # 598,609
Dead pool (97) # 54,55,65
Dead pool (2013) # 15
Deadpool VS Gambit # 4
Generation X # 86
GI Joe (Marvel) # 23,89,106,110, 111,129,131, 133,145,146,148-155
Incredible Hulk # 162,Ann.1
Iron Fist (70s) # 14
Marvel Spotlight vol.1 # 2,6
Marvel’s 75th Anniversary # 1
Mockingbird # 8
Occupy Avengers # 8,9
Star Wars (2014) # 58,60,62,63,65-current
Strange Tales # 177,188
Submariner (68) # 34,35,50,58-59
Thunderbolts (2016) # 12
US Avengers # 7,9,11,12
Venom Space knight # 11
Werewolf by Night # 32

Batman Daredevil King of New York # 1
Batman Maxx Arkham Dreams # 1,3-5
Batman TMNT # 1,3
Batman TMNT II # 1
Detective Comics # 459-461,463, 464, 466,469-471,474-477
Flash (2011) # 33
Flash (season 0 tv show) # 4,6,11
Hardware # 17
Harley Quinn (vol.1) # 14
Judge Dredd VS Lobo : Psychobikers vs. Mutants from Hell # 1
Lobo (96) # 64
Lobo Mask # 1
Shazam (73) # 28
Static # 39,45
Static: Rebirth of Cool # 3
Super Friends (70s) # 7
Superman Fantastic Four Infinite Destruction # 1
Superman Thundercats # 1
Swamp Thing (Saga of) # 20,21,25,37

Angel Season 11 # 11,12
Angel Season 12 # 1-3,5
Angel : Illyria- Haunted # 3,4
Bob’s Burgers (2014) # 1,4,5
Bobs Burgers (2015) # 1,2,10-11
Buffy Season 12 # 2,5
Buffy Spike & Dru # 3
Buffy Tales of the Slayers book 1 (2001)
Incredibles (2009) # 6,8 (cont from City of Incredibles # 3)
Incredibles City of Incredibles (09-BOOM) # 2
Incredibles : Family Matters (09 -Boom) # 4
Incredibles II Crisis in mid-life & other stories # 1
Six Million Dollar Man Season Six # 1,2,6
Supernatural (DC) # 1,3,5-6
Supernatural Beginnings End # 2-6
Supernatural : Origins # 1-6
Supernatural : Rising Son # 4-6
Vampire Diaries # 2,5,6
Warehouse 13 # 2,5

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