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For Sale: practicaly new books
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Tue, 7/17/18, 5:18 pm
For Sale: practicaly new books

Hi everyone,

I REALLY need your help I've been trying to sell my used, but clean books.
(some of them are different language like Spanish or french)
the name of my books:- 1 baseball in april (english)(book)

- 1 dictionnairy (spanish)

- 1 among the hidden (english)(book)

- 2 companeros libro (spanish)(book)

- 2 paranomath A and B (french)(book)

- 1 Altlas of the world (french)(book)

- 1 territoire (french)(book)

if you would be interested in buying my books that are practically new, that would be wonderful.(I may lower the price just for you ;)

Thank you so much.

p.s: there will be more information when you email me.


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