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For Sale: Large Collection, Mostly Bronze Age, a Few Silver Age (Including B&B #28)
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ar hen

Responses To This Post:
Mon, 3/28/16, 11:29 am
For Sale: Large Collection, Mostly Bronze Age, a Few Silver Age (Including B&B #28)

I have a collection of a little over 900 comics that I would like to sell. The majority are from the late 70s-early 80s, with a few books from the 50s and 60s. About 75% Marvel, 25% DC, and a few independents. Highlights include:

Silver Age: Brave & the Bold 28, Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane 14, Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen 43, Action Comics 261 Tales to Astonish 99, X-Men 15

Bronze Age: Amazing Spider-man 184-248, Daredevil 160-191, Giant Size X-Men 2, GI Joe 1, The Uncanny X-Men 117-194, Batman 325-358

If you are interested in buying the whole collection I will heavily discount the price.

Email me and I will email back a complete list. I live in Albuquerque, NM. Thanks!


In Response To:
ar hen
Tue, 4/19/16, 6:35 am
Re: For Sale: Large Collection, Mostly Bronze Age, a Few Silver Age (Including B&B #28)

Is this lot still for sale

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